First enjoy these shots of the neighborhood featuring a glorious sunny sky.
As I revel in this beautiful weather, let me toast all of you with a Shandy. My friend Cheri told me about this drink that is simply equal parts beer and sparkling lemonade. She described it as refreshing and she is absolutely right! I googled shandy and there are actually recipes that put you through a lot of trouble but what could be easier to remember than equal parts? You definitely need to try it.
Just two simple ingredients to create a refreshing afternoon drinky poo!
Here is the Shandy in a pretty pitcher I purchased for $2 at a yard sale. I have a thing for this type of Mexican glassware and I’ve pictured it with some glasses I got from Marshall’s when I moved here back in 2000. Blue is my favorite color so these make me very happy. But what makes me even more happy is a calamari taco and some onion rings. Perhaps not the most caloric conscious of lunches but oh so tasty!
The little side table was a gift from a friend, I love it!
Well, despite the gorgeous weather, we are expecting a temperature drop and some drizzles tomorrow night and into Monday morning. Oh, summer can you be far away? Whenever it gets cold here I find southern Californians fall into one of two categories. They are either in deep denial continuing to dress in shorts, tank tops and flip flops or they are dressed for a trek in the arctic. There doesn’t seem to be a happy medium with us!
In the meantime, I continue to plow through the Amelia Peabody books as I sip my Shandy. The Amelia Peabody series is a series of mystery novels written by Elizabeth Peters featuring Egyptologist Amelia Peabody Emerson. The novels are part mystery and spy thriller with glimpses of Egyptian life and interspered with a little comedy. The series spans a thirty-eight year period from 1884 to 1923 and is primarily set in Egypt with some installments including action in England and Gaza.
The author Elizabeth Peters - ok, I want a pith helmet!

The book features a number of things I find fascinating like Egyptology, the Victorian and Edwardian periods and the early 20s. I find Elizabeth Peters to be a wonderful writer who knows how to draw the reader into a good story. If Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code), Stephenie Meyers (Twilight) and JK Rowling (Harry Potter) are authors considered to have drawn people back to reading, Elizabeth Peters would be the author who never got you to leave in the first place. That's my two cents!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!