Monday, October 5, 2009

A Fun Weekend Pastime

There's nothing like a great yard sale and I think I pretty much scored on Saturday.

On our morning walk, Sadie and I came across what seemed like a million yard sales. Found these three items at the same place and loved to woman I was talking with. That's part of what makes these things fun is the chatting and getting to know people.

And this is what I found...

Two framed prints (I'm thinking of maybe switching out the frames) at 2 for $5.


A cute garden themed picture frame for $2 - down from $4 - another fun thing about yard sales!

Don't forget a little bargaining never hurts and it's almost expected unless it's at an already fabulous price.

Sadie and I wish you a fab day!


  1. Bonnie! Great, great finds! Those French prints are perfect. What are the frames like? And that garden frame is so sweet. You and the fabulous Sadie have had great success! Don't you just love shopping and meeting people along the way? That is what I did in France for 3 months...the two things I do and talk! I would go to class in the morning for 4 hours then I was on the loose the rest of the time. I would go to all the great shops and sit down with the shop owners and chat in French over a cup of fine French tea or coffee! I even got asked out by a shop owner and another one, about 80 years old gave me a tapestry pillow for free! When I said "Why did you do that?" He replied, "Parce que vous Madame, vous ĂȘtes adorable!" I cherish that sweet little pillow forever! Have a fun week my friend,


  2. I dread the winter months when garage sales are scarce!


  3. Hi Bonnie! Of course, you know I love your French prints!And your gardening frame is sooo cute! Will you put a photo of Sadie in it? I hope your visit went well! My head is still spinning at being Ms October! Happy week!...Debbie

  4. Here in the Midwest we have 'Garage Sales" because of course, the weather changes every 5 minutes. But I love to go to them. I make little maps of every place I'll hit, that will bring me round back home again! I haven't been to too many this summer as I have been going to a great fleatique shop a few blocks away that has an incredible selection of furniture ready to be fixed up as well as china, jewelry , pictures...oooh!! ;-) And yes, those cool French prints deserve frames worthy of them. What will you do with the garden frame?? How about chalkboard paint on the glass and keep it near your potting shed or patio?

    I wasn't sure if I was supposed to come to this blog or the Bhive... both?

    Did I tell you my sons lived in Carlsbad for 2 years. You really live in a great place. And hey, have you seen my dog Milo on my sidebar? He and Sadie could pass for sibs!!

    Have a great day. I hope it warms up for you. There is no hope for us, but we are heading to that big Nevada desert called Vegas on Saturday. Whoo Hoo!


  5. Thanks for checking my blog out. I've kind of been bummed too because garage sales are almost over here too. We're headed to Iowa to do a little antiquing this weekend. We have to make sure we have inventory for the shop all winter. Have a good weekend. Jan

  6. I love your prints, Bonnie! Toulouse Lautrec is one of my favorite artists. Those are by him, are they not? Oh, how I love French artists!


    Sheila :-)

  7. Hello Bonnie dearest! Thank you for coming to the ballet with me; no matter if you "danced" ballet, we can all be graceful and elegant women who love ourselves and are strong of body and soul! And that you are my dearest, strong. Thank you for kind comments; they are always uplifting. Have a wonderful, peaceful week. Anita
